“Izglītības iniciatīvu centrs” darbības stratēģija periodam 2017.-2021.


Bērni, kas labprāt un ar prieku dodas uz skolu
Children that willingly and with pleasure are going to school


Palielināt IIC fokusu uz izglītības kvalitātes uzlabošanu, lai panāktu izmērāmu ietekmi uz izglītības sistēmu kopumā
Enhance CEI’s focus on improving the quality of education so as to make a measurable impact on the education system as a whole


Izglītības kvalitāte
Quality of Education

Our Featured Courses are selected through a rigorous process and uniquely created for each semester.

Lincoln always has an event for you. Explore our events, and discover how much we have to offer.

Read more our helpful posts about student life and educational history in the Lincoln’s Blog.

Great work can only come from great partnerships. Here are just a few of our amazing clients: