PISA 2012 report revealed the need of innovative, interactive and engaging teaching approach for 21st century schools in order to reach higher achievement of students. This approach can be transmitted and practically realized in classrooms only by properly trained teacher and educator.
The project aims to develop teachers’ and educators’ competences – especially integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) teaching skills, based on collaborative problem-solving (CPS) – sharing experiences between countries involved in the project (the project will be compatible with PISA 2015 aim to evaluate students’ performance in mathematics, science and financial literacy; performance in problem solving and reading).
The target group of the project are teachers and educators, who are not afraid of challenges and are seeking quality of teaching and learning and higher learning achievements of students, are open-minded, communicative and collaborative, and are ready to provide meaningful learning experiences for 21st century students.
It is expected that there will be PDP for teachers and educators on CPS skills and its principles developed and tested practically; collections of good practice and DLO on CPS created, thus increasing the variety of available learning resources; instrument for impact evaluation and – ensuring the sustainability of the project – recommendations for stakeholders will be developed. The testing phase of the project (training course, practical testing experience and evaluation seminar) will involve 60 direct and 3000 indirect participants.
- To develop teachers’ and educators’ integrated teaching skills, based on collaborative problem-solving;
- To explore new forms of teaching, learning and assessment;
- To guide teachers and educators, how to motivate children and inspire their passion for discovery and learning;
- To share experience of good practice on increasing students’ interest in STEM and technical creativity; developing students’ skills of logical and critical thinking, CPS, as well as learning to learn, creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial competencies; preparing students for a successful professional career, encouraging their active contribution to the progress of society.
8 countries and 10 partners are involved in the project:
- Education development centre and Alytaus Putinai gymnasium (Lithuania),
- OÜ Miksike (Estonia),
- CREF – Centro de Recursos Educativos e Formação (Portugal),
- Epimorfotiki Kilkis Single Member llc and 1o Geniko Lykeio Thessalonikis (Greece),
- Direccion Xeral de Educacion, Fp E Innovacion Educativa (Spain),
- Congregazione suore Francescane Missionarie del sacro cuore (Italy),
- Business & Finance College – Sofia (Bulgaria),
- Center for Education Initiatives (Latvia).
- The Project Leader – Education Development Centre (Lithuania).